Making Of
Your story is important to us! That’s why we here at TVS begin each endeavour by taking the time to learn what you have to say. We use this planning and collaborative stage to plan out the shoot, and ensure we are ready to go into the next phase, the actual production.
Production is where we utilize the latest equipment to capture moments, and realize your vision. Whether it be a music video with just you and a microphone, or an elaborate live event with many moving pieces, and anything in between. We seek to realize the ambitions of the Pre-Production stage, and collect the needed shots to move into Post Production.
This is really where the magic happens. In post, we take the shots collected in production and pair that with the ambitions of Pre-Production to bring the vision to forwishen. Here we take the raw footage, and through edits and corrections, we are able to maximize its potential. (See our comparison slider below for a raw vs edited shot)